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Our Products

Automobile Hailnet

Car companies require reliable and robust systems in place to maintain their supply chain lines. Hail storms can be extremely unpredictable and damaging to Finished Vehicles.

Bird Proofing

Are you looking for the best bird proofing manufacturers? SMC Associated Ltd. is the right choice for you. SMC Associated Ltd. is one of the leading Birdnet companies, serving a wide range of residential, industrial

Agriculture Hailnet

Agriculture production in is becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate variability. The increased incidences of extreme weather events such as Hailstorms

Dust Control Fencing

SMC Associated Ltd. has been a leader in providing weather-protection membranes for over 25 years. We have custom made options to help protect your equipment from all kinds of weather ranging

Features of Our Products

  • Ten Year Warranty. Life Span up to 15 years.
  • Custom Designs to best suit the requirements of clients.
  • Protection from Hail Damage, Bird Droppings.
  • Reduced Insurance Premiums.
  • Unlimited Coverage.
  • Fast Installation over any ground conditions.
  • Temperature drop of over 10 Degrees.
  • Excellent Shade Protection from Harmful UV Radiation
  • Manufactured in to reduce installation and commissioning times while maintaining highest standards of Quality and Safety over lifetime of the structures.

A Quote

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